Ten things about Twitter.
1. Twitter is intriguing and annoying. We followed individuals, companies, celebrities, and media. Constant updates are fun, but few worthwhile at that instant. In 140 Characters or Less.
2. We wonder if media are suited for Twitter. Turned off NYT and Treehugger phone updates because tweet with every new article was tiresome. Easier to read websites.
4. Top 10 on Twitter: 1. Kutcher, 2. CNN, 3. B. Spears, 4.
6. Companies ranked higher if there’s a passion for the product/service. Whole Foods is 28th. But most tweets involve customer complaints.
7. Twitter has proven itself surprising valuable during crisis and/or real-time events. See the founder’s TED
8. Most power Twitter users aren’t on the website. They’re using programs like Tweetdeck or Twirl, which lowers Twitter’s web traffic readings.
9. The Twitter search tool is maybe its best feature, especially for tracking opinions/news in real time.
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